Friday, May 27, 2011


So I dug into the archives to start the (very) early stages of assembling some sort of comic anthology only to discover that the folders labelled "2007" and "2008" are completely empty. This is unfortunate. These comics have somehow imploded when switching computers or something. Never mind. It only means that I simply have to dig through boxes for the originals and rescan two years worth of comics. Gah. On the plus side, it means there may be slightly more stylistic consistency within the book now? Also, it looks like the book's going to be upwards of 120 pages. Anyways, here's a couple of 'em.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there James,
    I run a new Auckland based street zine called RE>publication and I really like your comics! Specifically this one :)
    Wondering if you would be interested in submitting it for one of our pages for our up and coming issue? You will be fully credited and it would be an awesome oportunity for you to showcase your work in print form.
    Check out our website which features our pilot issue for you to have an idea. :)
    My contact details are on the website!
    Thank You!
